Chris Brown Attacked By Fellow Singer After Lip-Syncing Performance At Billboard Music Awards

Chris Brown Lip Syncing

If you are going to lip-sync the worst possible time to do so would be at a music awards show where your fellow artists are in mass attendance and are likely going to call you out. Yet that is exactly what Chris Brown did this past Sunday at the Billboard Music Awards and now that choice is coming back to publicly bite him in the butt.

Chris Brown performed the song Turn Up the Music and after the show fellow musicians immediately called him out including singer Pink who tweeted:

One day if i lipsync i hope i do it as well as him

After Chris Brown fans attacked Pink she tweeted:

Oh my lord, its so easyits so damn easy. Keep it coming people, this is some good reading

Pink wasnt the only musician to go after Chris Brown for lip-syncing, Joe Jonas tweeted:

What happened to people singing live???

While Chris Brown is known for going off on the handle during critiques of anything he does, he has been shockingly quite since his performance, perhaps because he understands that defending his lip-syncing would mean admitting to the fact that he was so obviously lip-syncing.

On the other hand maybe Chris Brown is recording an apology so he can video tape it and then lip-sync his apology to fans and fellow musicians.

Heres the performan! ce with some of the worst lip-syncing weve seen since Milli Vanilli:

On the scale of 1 to punching a female in the face this only falls at about a 3.5 on the Chris Brown scale.
