'We Support Chris Brown' Trending On Twitter

By IBTimes Staff Reporter | Apr 03, 2012 04:34 PM EDT

If you glanced at Twitter's trending topics this afternoon, you'd see the usual jumble of words you can't understand ("Ay Thiago"? "Entra Pato"?), plus a few that you probably can: "We Support Chris Brown."

It's unclear why Chris Brown's fans otherwise known as "Team Breezy" (or, on Twitter, #TeamBreezy) decided to trend this phrase at this specific moment, but trend it they did! (A little later, seeing their impact, they also managed to get #BuyChrisBrownFortuneMay8th on the worldwide trending list.)

Most of the tweets were from fans looking to express their love for Chris Brown, but a vocal minority was upset that a phrase celebrating an admitted domestic abuser would wind up on the list of Twitter's most uttered phrases.

Here are a few of the tweets:
