Chris Brown Comments on Frank Ocean Coming Out

by Bruna Nessif Mon., Jul. 30, 2012 10:50 PM PDT

Chris Brown, Frank OceanFrank Micelotta/Getty Images

Things haven't exactly been copacetic between Chris Brown and Frank Ocean.

In case you don't remember, these two artists have publicly traded blows via Twitter, making it very clear that there was tension between them. But when Ocean came out as a gay man, Brown remained silent.

Until now.

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But they're not the fighting words that you might be used to hearing (or reading) from the singer.

"My Opinion on the whole Frank Ocean subject is ......... Love who u wanna love. It's ur decision. People stop searching for BS," Brown tweeted earlier today.

The "BS" Breezy is referring to is apparently a report that he told paparazzi in France, "Man, no homo," when asked about Ocean coming out. While the phrase itself is a debate for another time, it has gained popularity in hip-hop culture as something to say when, after giving props to another man, a guy! wants t o assure that what he said did not have any homosexual connotation.

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And though Brown can't say he's never uttered, or at least written, ahomophobic slur, he insisted via Twitter that he wasn't trying to offend theOdd Futuremember.

Ocean has not responded to reports of Brown's alleged diss or his explanatory tweet.

Do you think Brown's response was genuine? Let us know in the comments!

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