Should Rihanna and Chris Brown Just Get Back Together Already?

Its been nearly two years since the physical altercation, and resulting media frenzy, between Chris Brown and Rihanna occurred. Since then, both stars have claimed they want to get out from under the shadow of the incident, and judging from the steady rise of Rihannas career, and the way Chris was able to bounce back, you could easily say they have. One thing the past lovers havent been able to escape, though, is speculation that they still want to be together, and when you look at the subliminal twitter affair theyve been carrying on for quite some time now, it makes you wonder, should they just do it?

I came across an editorial on Global Grind recently that proclaimed C Breezy and Ri Ri are getting back together. The article was more about BlogXillas own infatuation with the celebrity couple as he talked about looking forward to reading daily blog posts and seeing photos of the pair out together. He wrote that he wasnt ashamed to admit that he had gotten attached to ChRihanna and that he could relate to them in ways he cant relate to Jay-Z and Beyonce. Ive been on line kissing my girl while waiting for a two piece and biscuit, and I can say thats when love is at its finest. Thats when love is at its most pure, and seeing that moment between Rihanna and Chris was an added blessing as a fan. Of course no couple should ever get together, or back together, to appease their fans but Rihanna seems to be more hurt by the split than onlookers.

There is a non-stop trail of tweets from Just because I let you go doesnt mean I wanted to, to Ill! always love you, followed up by Love U more than you know from Chris. And then there were those in between tweets from mama Chris: HELLO LADY I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!, to which Rihanna responded: Miss+Love u 2. Plus Rihanna petitioned to have the parameters of Chriss restraining order modified to allow physical contact, so long as its not abusive. The situation is utterly and completely speculative but it forms one heck of a case of circumstantial evidence.

If the young lovers truly want to be together, theres no sense in attempting to keep it on the hush for the sake of disapproving fans who no doubt have just as much drama going on right under their own noses. Im with BlogXilla when he says spare me the line about the message Rihanna will send young girls if the two reunite. That girl is already sending plenty of messages to teens through her lyrics and the way she dresses. Her position as a celebrity may put her on a pedestal as someone young women emulate but that doesnt mean shes a role model. Its up to parents to set appropriate examples for their children. Besides, the public has clearly forgiven Chris. Is it no OK for her to do the same? Sure, we werent the ones who were assaulted but we are the ones who have made his redemption possible by buying his albums and supporting his shows.

Its tough for anyone to say what they would do in a situation like Rihannas and most women dont leave after the first incident. While I dont believe the mantra love makes people do crazy things excuses Chriss brutal attack, I do believe in lapses of judgment, mistakes, and opportunities for change.

The media would clearly never make it easy for these stars to reunite but if thats truly the only thing holding them back, they might as well stop putting on a show at their expense and give most of the public what they really wanta C Breezy, Ri Ri reunion.

What do you think about Rihanna and Chris Brown getting back together? Can you see it happening?

Brande Victo! rian is a blogger and culture writer in New York City. Follower her on Twitter at @be_vic.

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