Tony Parker Lawsuit -- Club Sues Chris Brown and Drake ... THEY SHOULD PAY!!!


0317_brown_parker_drake_tmz_gettyThe owners of the nightclub where Chris Brown and Drake brawled last year are doing whatever they can to get out of paying Tony Parker for his injuries ... saying the two rappers should cut him a check if he wins his lawsuit ... and not them.

Parker, an NBA star with the San Antonio Spurs, was one of several people who claim they were injured in the June 2012 melee that went down at W.i.P. and he filed a $20 million lawsuit against the club shortly thereafter.

But the owners of W.i.P. (who are facing several lawsuits) filed docs last week in New York saying Parker's beef should be with Brown and Drake ... claiming they were the ones who "contributed to, instigated, participated and/or engaged" in the fight.

The club wants any and all damages awarded to Parker to come from Brown and Drake.

The case is still pending.

