Rihanna unveils Stay artwork featuring Chris Brown, we roll our eyes

Rihanna has unveiled her latest single artwork and it's left us less than impressed.

RihannaRihanna has unveiled single artwork which seems to feature Chris Brown. Copyright [Rihanna]

Rihanna's artwork for the single, Stay, appears to feature a photo of her and Chris Brown. Cue major eye rolling.

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Rihanna tweeted the photo of the artwork with the simple caption: "#SINGLEcover for #STAY"

Perhaps her lack of explanation was an attempt to make us ignore the glaring fact that it's Chris blimmin Brown in the photo.

Rihanna and Chris BrownRihanna and Chris Brown seem to be happy and back together. Copyright [Rihanna]We had our suspicions, but the fact that Chris features in the single artwork seems to confirm that the lyrics are indeed about him.

The chorus features the lines: "Not really sure how to feel about it, something in the way you move. Makes me feel like I can't live without you, it takes me all the way. I want you to stay."

Nice lyrics and all, but not when they're about Chris Brown.

Rihanna and Chris BrownRihanna and Chris Brown don't seem to care about the criticism surrounding their relationship. Copyright [SplaThe pair have been on and off constantly for months now, but they got back together just in time to spend New Year's Eve together.

And it seems that Rihanna now couldn't care less what people think of her relationship with Chris Brown.

She recently tweeted the words: "Stop worrying about pleasing others all the time. Do more of what makes you happy."

We just WISH that it was someone other than Chris Brown who made Rihanna happy. Just saying.
